He quickly recognised the challenges and opportunities for JMG in a demanding global economic situation. "Our focus is on utilising the expertise within the Group worldwide and focusing on innovations that support our customers," explained Conzelmann at today's media briefing in Frick. "The customer takes centre stage and we will focus even more strongly on this in future." As an example, he cites the planned "Innovation Lab" in Frick, which will open this year. In addition to the "LAB1887", innovation projects have been launched in which new technologies and applications are being developed together with universities, partners and customers.
According to owner Stephan Bühler, the time is currently being used intensively to "rethink" the strategy, which will take JMG a big step forward in terms of competitiveness. Bühler sees this as an important part of an investment in the future.
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ding global economic situation. "Our focus is on utilising the expertis
e within the Group worldwide and focusing on innovations that support our cu
stomers," explained Conzelmann at today's media briefing in Frick. "The cust
omer takes centre stage and we will focus even more strongly on this in futu
re." As an example, he cites the planned "Innovation Lab" in Frick, which wi
ll open this year. In addition to the "LAB1887", innovation projects have be
en launched in which new technologies and applications are being developed t
ogether with universities, partners and customers.<br /> According to owner
Stephan Bühler, the time is currently being used intensively to "rethink" t
he strategy, which will take JMG a big step forward in terms of competitiven
ess. Bühler sees this as an important part of an investment in the future.<
<p><a href="t3://file?uid=1920">More information click here</a><br /> &
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