Basic Course NFM
Course Language: German
Period: 10/06/2025 – 10/08/2025
More know-how equals value added. Therefore, our training centre’s coaching range is sure to pay dividends.
Coaching possibilities in the field of narrow fabrics are a rarity. A fact, which makes the range of basic and further training that Jakob Müller Group has developed for its customers even more valuable. Moreover, the educational effects are most long lasting when courses are completed at the company’s training centre in Frick, Switzerland or Suzhou, China.
For customers in Asia, Jakob Müller AG in Suzhou, Province Jiangsu (PRC), has its own training centre.
Have you already found your training offer or are you interested in tailor-made training programs and courses for your company?
We would be happy to advise you:
Jakob Müller AG Frick
MÜBOOKS are a series of reference books offering students and specialists technical knowledge about the ribbon and narrow fabric industry. Two volumes are available (English and German editions)